Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Freeze Summers Berry Bounty

Living in Lancaster County, I have the benefit of an abundance of roadside stands and farmers markets all within a 10 minute drive. Some are as elaborate as an open air barn with tables and wagons and a cash register. Others are small handmade stands at the end of the lane that leads to the farm, usually maned by a group of young children. I have even picked up some great strawberries and watermelons out of a radio flyer wagon at the end of a driveway equipped with a plastic lidded container to leave your money!

This time of year I like to buy up as much produce as I can afford, cook what I can, and freeze plenty for winter. I know it sounds old fashioned, but there's nothing like opening a bag of summer corn for Christmas dinner!

Tonight I stashed away a gallon size freezer bag of blueberries. It cost me $8.00 for 2 quarts. I'll use these berries for smoothies or mix with my granola and yogurt for breakfast. When I was a kid I used to love an after school snack of frozen blueberries topped with milk. The milk would freeze and sort of coat the blueberries. Yummy!!!

So... to successfully freeze berries of any kind, line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Keep the berries to a single layer, leaving some space between the berries. Freeze for about an hour or two. Honestly, I often forget about them and they are in there longer. It won't hurt :)

Then pour them into a freezer bag and stash away for another day!

I would love to hear what you do with frozen berries. It's always good to learn tips from friends!

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